Jak pokochalam gangstera 2022

Crime Drama

A mysterious woman recounts the rise and fall of Nikodem "Nikos" Skotarczak, one of the biggest gangsters in Poland's history.

All Titles
  • PL: Jak pokochalam gangstera Jak pokochalam gangstera
  • AR: Cómo me enamoré de un gánster Cómo me enamoré de un gánster
  • BR: Como Me Apaixonei Por um Gângster Como Me Apaixonei Por um Gângster
  • CA: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • PL: Jak jsem se zamilovala do gangstera Jak jsem se zamilovala do gangstera
  • FR: Comment je suis tombée amoureuse d'un gangster Comment je suis tombée amoureuse d'un gangster
  • DE: Jak pokochalam gangstera Jak pokochalam gangstera
  • DE: How I fell in Love with a Gangster How I fell in Love with a Gangster
  • IO: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • IT: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • NO: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • PL: Jak pokochałam gangstera Jak pokochałam gangstera
  • RU: Как я полюбила гангстера Как я полюбила гангстера
  • SG: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • KR: 그렇게 난 갱스터와 사랑에 빠졌다 그렇게 난 갱스터와 사랑에 빠졌다
  • ES: Cómo me enamoré de un gánster Cómo me enamoré de un gánster
  • SE: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • TR: Bir Gangstere Nasıl Aşık Oldum? Bir Gangstere Nasıl Aşık Oldum?
  • UA: Як я покохала гангстера Як я покохала гангстера
  • AE: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • UA: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • US: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
  • PL: How I Fell in Love with a Gangster How I Fell in Love with a Gangster
Released 12 Jan 2022
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